
This site is devoted to comments about the far right, their biases, greed and lack of concern for the average Jane or Joe.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

nononeocon: June 2005

nononeocon: June 2005

It's new to me

This is my first day blogging. I'm not really sure if people will see this or respond...but I'll give it a try anyway. I don't like the direction this country is headed in. It scares the heck out of me. I'm trying to do my part as a concerned citizen to stop the loss of our freedoms. Now we have big business and the rich taking away our property, that we, the little people, toiled and saved for. Our one piece of the "American Dream" can now be gone in an instant. How do we stop these wealthy zealots? We can do it by uniting...not dividing.

Stop the insanity of greed

Enron, Halliburton, Big Business, Banking Institutes, Bush & Company all equal the arrogance of greed at the cost of those not in the elitist group. When are the true Americans going to resist and take back our country? When will we get the truth out of any of the above? How many more lives are going to be wasted so that those in power will continue to reap the spoils of the less fortunate? When will Ken Lay get sentenced? Finally, when Mr. Lay does, watch Mr. Bush pardon him before he leaves office.