
This site is devoted to comments about the far right, their biases, greed and lack of concern for the average Jane or Joe.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Bush & Company

Well...wasn't that a great speach? Still, after all of the facts, this "christian" liar, still tries to draw an analogy between 9/11 and Iraq. Apparently, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and Rove think we are just a bunch of idiots. We know the truth, yet these bull headed individuals will not accept nor will they ever admit to thier own errors. It is sickening. Bush makes Nixon look like a saint.


So now the neocons have Kenneth Tomlinson as Chairman of the Corporation For Public Broadcasting. He's been at this post since 2003 and is doing everything in his power to change the face of PBS. Mr. Tomlinson caters to the far right and views PBS as too left. Then again, if you're a neocon unbiased reporting is left wing. Need I remind everyone that PBS was not intended to be a Fox Network. The scary truth of the matter is the number of wealthy people in Washington who want nothing more than to have Rupert Murdoch & Company give the slant on all media events. My God, what is happening to our free and open press?