
This site is devoted to comments about the far right, their biases, greed and lack of concern for the average Jane or Joe.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The Energy Bill

The following is a letter I have sent regarding Bush's Energy Bill:

Dear Dennis L.,

Thank you for taking a stand for American energy independence! You've helped to send a message to Washington that the American people won’t tolerate big oil business as usual. You helped to underscore that the American people want Congress to go back to the drawing board, and deliver bold solutions that address the looming energy crisis posed by our big oil addiction.

With Americans dying in Iraq, oil prices rising, and climate change of growing concern, America desparately needs new energy. Now is the time to get your friends and family members to call on Congress as well to support the Apollo Alliance's bold energy plan that can create three million new jobs and free America from foreign oil. Please help us spread the word.

Please publicize our effort -- and the link below -- on your favorite blog or message board and forward it to as many people -- asking them to join you in demanding new energy from Congress today.

Thank you very much for all your help.


Robert L. Borosage, Co-Director
Campaign for America's Future

Your message below was sent to:
Representative Maurice D. Hinchey

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton

Senator Charles E. Schumer

A copy was sent to:
President George W. Bush

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Bush,

Senator Charles E. Schumer
United States Senate
313 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-0001

Dear Senator Schumer,

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
United States Senate
476 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-0001

Dear Senator Clinton,

Representative Maurice D. Hinchey
United States House of Representatives
2431 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative Hinchey,

The energy bill is a disservice to America. It puts the interests of big oil over the national interest in matters vital to our nation's security, our economy and our health. As your constituent, I urge you to go back to the drawing board and present to the American people a bold plan for energy independence - one that creates jobs, protects the environment and ends our dependency on foreign oil.

This energy bill is simply a business as usual, smarmy grab bag of corporate interest subsidies that leaves America more dependent on foreign oil, does nothing for rising gas prices, and surrenders leadership in the green markets of the future. While President Bush and the Congressional majority might hail this bill as a success, it is in fact a shameful failure of leadership.

Instead of addressing America's oil addiction, the big oil energy bill currently before Congress...

> Gives billions in tax incentives to big oil, gas and nuclear
> conglomerates.

> Eliminates the requirement that utilities provide 10% of their energy
> from renewable sources.

> Strips a provision to make even a modest reduction in American oil
> consumption -- 1 million barrels of oil per day by 2015, representing
> a mere 4% of our projected oil consumption.

> Rolls back oversight on utilities and consumer protections - which
> would allow companies to structure Enron-like deals and exploit the
> energy grid.

> Increases drilling incentives for oil and gas companies.

> Rolls back clean water laws to allow drillers to inject harmful
> chemicals into the water supply without penalty.

> Fails to tackle the fundamental problems of supply and demand now
> causing ever-increasing prices at the pump.

With Americans dying in Iraq, oil prices rising, climate change of growing concern, America desperately needs new energy -- a bold program for energy independence that can create good jobs here by investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, while mobilizing American science and technology to free this country of its dependence on foreign oil. This is a national security imperative and an economic opportunity to capture the markets of the future.

This isn't an impossible dream. Named after President Kennedy's Apollo initiative that took Americans to the moon in ten years, the Apollo Alliance - a ground-breaking coalition of labor, environmental and urban activists - has detailed elements of a bold plan for energy independence. This initiative would generate over three million jobs here in America through investment in alternative energy and energy efficiency. It would help the US capture the growing green markets of the future -- from super-efficient appliances to the next generation of automobiles. It would help counter global warming and help reduce the spread of asthma and other respiratory diseases that take a harsh toll on American children. Most important, it would free America of its dependence on Persian Gulf oil.

As my member of Congress, I urge you to demand that Congress go back to the drawing board and present to the American people a bold plan for energy independence.


Dennis...aka nononeocon